different forms and affordable(99% potassium cyani
15.6.2024 11:35 | Nabídka | Krása, zdraví
Popis inzerátu
We are legal manufacturers and reliable suppliers of Potassium Cyanide which is a colorless crystalline compound. Our potassium cyanide is known by jewelry dealers and many others for its extreme and exceptional high quality and purityn, and also chemical gilding and buffing properties. Our gold mining, organic synthesis, and electroplating customers have never looked elsewhere ever since they tested our product. Potassium cyanide is offered in powder or cylindrical tablet. It is an inorganic compound with the formula KCN. contact us on email: (adolischemicals@gmail.com
Kontaktní informace
Jméno: adolischem
Lokalita: Liberecký kraj (prague)
E-mail: adolischemicals@gmail.com
Typ inzerátu: nabídka
Cena: 100 Kč dohodou
Zobrazení: 22x
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